Super Mum Tips: How To Use Your Cricut machine To Be A Super Mum

May 13, 2022

Looking for tips on how to be a Super Mum? We can relate to feeling like there are not enough hours in the day. When juggling a job, family life and time for you, undoubtedly it can be difficult to fit everything in!

We’ve come up with some ideas to help you in your daily tasks and wow the kids with simple and easy personalisation projects.

1. Labels on everything!

Labels are quick and easy to create with your Cricut machine. They can be used in a number of ways to help with day to day life of being a mum!

The School Run

Packed lunches, bags, PE Kit and uniforms can all be labelled to help with everything coming home at the end of the day.

Using Smart Iron-On™ means you can quickly cut out multiple labels and iron them on with a Cricut EasyPress heat tool all in one go.

labelling - Super Mum tips

In The Home

We have lots of examples of how labelling can help with organisation in the home. Professional Organisor, Vicky Silverthorn shared her advice in this blog post for organising the kitchen. And in this blog post she listed her top tips for decluttering your kids’ bedrooms.

We have also seen some great examples in the community such as labels on laundry baskets. jars, and shampoo bottles too. These are great for helping with decluttering and keeping the house tidy and in order.

Labels for your home

Labelled laundry bottles by on Instagram.

Storage Solutions

Having designated places to store items such as books and toys is an effective way to keep the home tidy and encourage your children to help tidy up as they go.

Reading Crate - Super Mum tips

This read crate project is available in Design Space here.

2. On The Go

Mums need quick and easy solutions especially when you have limited free time.

Last-minute cards for all occasions

Whether you need a birthday card, get well soon card, or a card for any occasion, you can make cards in minutes with Cricut Joy™ and the new Cricut Card Mat 2 x 2.

You can find ready-to-make cards available in Design Space in the projects area.

Cardmaking on the go with Cricut Joy

Keeping Organised With A To Do List

Writing a ‘To-Do’ list each day will help with keeping on track with your goals. If you don’t achieve everything on the list, that’s okay! Ticking off completed tasks leaves you with great satisfaction and reminds you, that you are doing an amazing job.

Super Mum tips - plan everything

3. All out on outfits

Many mums can relate to the panic of finding out the night before ‘inspiration day’ at school that a themed outfit is needed. Even if you have planned in advance, ordering dress-up clothing can be costly, and also wasteful if they’re only used once. Our own UK and Ireland marketing manager, Kathy, found herself in this exact situation when approaching her daughter’s Year 5 Inspiration Day topic: Mayans.

Without a clue what a Mayan would have worn, Kathy searched Design Space and discovered over 100 images! Her daughter instantly recognised one of the Mayan Calendar designs as something they had been studying, even naming some of the icons and explaining what they meant. They cut the design out of Foil Iron-On, and her daughter assisted with the weeding. Kathy used her EasyPress to adhere it to a plain T-shirt. The whole project took less than an hour and was handed down so it could be used by a friend the following year. Win-win!

Kathy’s son wasn’t quite as willing to get involved with creating his Egyptian themed garment but was thrilled to wear his homemade costume of the Egyptian God Geb, complete with an Iron-On design and a paper bird for his head!

Click here to make Kathy’s Mayan Calendar T-shirt or click here to make the trim for the Egyptian tunic.

Did you enjoy our Super Mum tips and are you looking for more making inspiration? Head to our ‘Discover’ section for the latest tutorials.

Don’t forget to share with us on Instagram your creations using @cricut_uk.