9 Back to School Projects For Your Cricut Machine

August 27, 2021

It’s hard to believe how time flies! As we return for a new academic year, it’s time for a new uniform, books and stationery. What better way to get your child enthused by the new year than to create personalised items to take back with them on their first day of school.

We wanted to share some projects we have made plus some amazing creations from our Cricut community too to help get you inspired.

Labelling uniform like a pro

Batch create labels with your child’s name to put on their t-shirts, cardigans, jumpers, PE kit, and more. With Everyday Iron-onTM, you could iron your child’s name to the back of the shirt or on the clothing label. 

Eye catching notebooks

Sophia from Mynotsosecretteachinglife on Instagram created a personalised bag and notebook that would stand out in the classroom. Did you know you can use iron-on material (or HTV) with card? That’s how Sophia created a matching notebook and bag!

Pencil cases that wow

We created a unicorn and space-themed pencil case as unique ideas for the first day of school. With so many images available in Design Space, almost anything is possible when creating your pencil case design.

Want to keep it simple? No problem, instead of images, use your kid’s names for a fun alternative to a plain pencil case.

Personalised bags

We love these named backpacks by Aurora.creations.x on Instagram. If you need some backpack inspiration, take a look at our recent blog post here. It includes many back-to-school projects from Design Space, including backpacks!

If your kids prefer a tote bag to store their books, they may love a personalised design like this mer-mazing project by Natscraftylife on Instagram.

Personalised Classroom Ideas

Not only do parents have to prep for back to school but teachers do too! We have seen some amazing ideas in the community of unique ideas for the classroom.

Teacher desk décor

Allthatisteaching from Instagram shared her personalised desk that she decorated with vinyl. It’s such a great idea and makes the classroom unique to the teacher.

Pencil cases are always a must-have for a teacher, so why not make it personal to you! We love this teacher-themed pencil case by Cocoandblue2 on Instagram.

Reading Pillow

Another great idea is to personalise a reading pillow for the classroom! Lots of classrooms have a reading corner that would be perfect for this project. Scottishteacher on Instagram showed hers ready for the new school term to begin.

If you need more ideas, our latest blog all about the back-to-school projects available in Design Space would be perfect for you. Read more here.