Célébrez Juneteenth avec style!

juin 16, 2022 par vkopylova

En cette fête de Juneteenth, avec l’aide de Cricut, j’ai pu créer des pièces élégantes qui font une déclaration, tout en sensibilisant les gens.

Juneteenth est une fête fédérale qui reconnaît l’émancipation des derniers esclaves noirs américains, en particulier ceux qui ont été libérés à Galveston au Texas le 19 juin 1865. Le nom officiel de la fête est Juneteenth National Independence Day. Au fil des ans, la journée a gagné de nombreux noms tels que le Jour de l’émancipation, le Jour de la liberté et le Jour du Jubilé, pour n’en nommer que quelques-uns. La célébration autour de cette journée est bien méritée et doit être représentée avec style. Une journée qui est destinée à unifier et à élever. En tant que propriétaire d’entreprise, et plus particulièrement en tant que designer de t-shirts personnalisés, j’utilise les phrases sur mes chemises comme un moyen de mettre en lumière et de représenter avec audace des messages qui ne sont peut-être pas faciles à dire.

I was overwhelmed with joy as I browsed through Cricut Design Space to help draw inspiration for this year’s Juneteenth Collection. From the various artists that shared their designs to the amazing images that Cricut Access allowed me to tap into, seeing myself and my culture portrayed honorably through the images gave me an even greater sense of pride; it’s what I believe Juneteenth is all about.

Celebrate with what you wear

A t-shirt can be the quickest way to catch someone’s attention or pique their interest. Whether you are spotted across the room, on a social media post, or matching with others wearing the same design, the designs on your shirt have power. If someone is wearing a beautifully crafted shirt that catches your eye, you instantly want to know more. When designing this Juneteenth Collection, I intentionally used eye-catching colors to invoke emotion. The Pan-African Flag, and its associated colors, are often used to represent Juneteenth. The red for the bloodshed, the black for our noble race, and green to represent the motherland. The holiday is not meant to divide, but to unite. The official Juneteenth flag is one that is red, white, and blue.  They are the same colors as the American flag, to solidify the importance of African American history as a part of American history. The star represents the freedom in the states, while the burst and arc represent a new horizon and new opportunities for African Americans.

I was reminded of the meanings of each of the colors while working to create shirts that could be worn by all. The ease of Cricut Smart Iron-On materials is unmatched. It allows me to layer designs without a problem. Using Print Then Cut, I was able to make a sublimation design that presses beautifully onto a Cricut V-neck shirt. The new Cricut Autopress transitioned seamlessly between my HTV and sublimation designs. My favorite feature of Cricut Autopress is the automatic release. I can set the timer and move on to another task, allowing me to work efficiently in my boutique. Using the Cricut Heat Guide, there is no fear of over-pressing or ruining a design.

Celebrate through your accessories

When it comes to street fairs or farmers markets, I am ready and fully stocked in terms of accessories. Cricut makes it easy to press a mug with an eye-catching design, while also pressing a classy bottle bag all within the same space. Gifts like tumblers and similar ceramic items last a long time, which means the message I am wanting to share will continue, even after I have moved on. It is easy to size down a smaller design to fit onto a mug or tumbler. Finish it off by adding a bit of personalization to the product, and you have a unique gift with great meaning. 

Do not be afraid to pair a great mug with a matching shirt, because the outcome is one that is an unforgettable bundle. Not sure how the final project will turn out? Use Design Space to create mockups that will help you visualize the outcome. From Design Space, you can send those ideas to customers, your influencers, or your support team to get their buy-in.

Spark a conversation

Lastly, be ready for the conversation that is inevitable when you make statement pieces. Whether you are wearing your shirt at the grocery store, or you snap a perfectly curated photo for social media, people want to know the story. Curiosity may have them asking, “What does your shirt mean?” Showing their allegiance may have a person giving you a high five and chanting “keep it up!” Either way, the items we create become more than clothes and accessories that we wear, but instead about the various journeys we are on. 

This Juneteenth, the conversation that I want to spark through my celebration is “What can I do to support?” This is not a holiday for only African Americans. All can support and show pride in the recognition of this portion of our history. I wear the colors proudly and challenge those around me to do the same. I’m sure you have an idea in your head that you are wanting to see come to life. Start with a sketch, then move to Design Space and add some color. When you are ready, hit that “Make It” button and watch it come to life!

Happy Crafting Friend,


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